quinta-feira, 2 de julho de 2015

Wedding inspiration #1

Este primeiro wedding inspiration será dedicado à decoração. E que imagens mais lindas. Ahhhhhh...estou cheia de ideias!

Vases with colored water, star stenciled out onto glass with chalk board paint in darker blue? With floating candle.

Not crazy about the pink, I'd probably swap out pink for brown or turqoise. But the idea is so simple! A piece of fabric and a couple of flowers, tada!

Wedding Photos by Revival Photography Shuford House and Garden Weddings in Hickory North Carolina Photos

No need for a florist! The women planted tulip bulbs in autumn and the flowers bloomed days before their wedding. Their cousins had the creative idea to hang mason jars filled with tulips around the area where the women had their ceremony.
Love everything about this. The sign, shovel, water cans and gorgeous flowers. via Inspired by this.

Real Wedding: Seth and Kelley Bittner | Philadelphia Wedding

Photo from Emily & Christian - Preview collection by Naomi Kenton Photography - Almonry Barn Wedding Venue #chipotleweddingsweepstakes

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